Merilebon Academy




The PTA was duly attended by members. The agenda was duly exhausted and the following resolutions were made:

1. Fee increment:
Amidst discussions about the increased school fees, the Proprietress apologized for not carrying both the PTA executives and the parents along in the fee increment decision-making and she promised to carry everyone along subsequently.

Resolution: The proprietress promised that the fees would not be increased any time soon. She confirmed that the school is going to maintain the current fees for a long time.

2. Extra School Lessons and its importance:

Different parents had their reservations about the after school lessons. Parents were urged to take decisions based on what’s best for their ward(s). A parent supported, stating clearly that his child will benefit from the after school lesson. Some of the importance of the proposed after-school lesson is as follows;
a. To enable the school follow up with those who are struggling with their studies.
b. To serve as support to the parents at home, for parents who are too engaged. As we all know, in education, the school plays a 50% role while the other 50% is the parent’s responsibility.

Resolution: Extra lessons should be encouraged even though optional, to help in the development of the child academically. Parents should give it a try.

3. Merging of subjects:
As the school year progresses, both High School and Grade School will be merging some subjects into one, so as to reduce the number of subjects offered by the students/pupils in the school, with the sole objective of enhancing students/pupils performance.

4. Introduction of Mid-term results:
Subsequently, both schools will be introducing mid-term report for the first six weeks of the term and it will be based on two CATs done for the Preschool and Grade school,  CAT 1, mid term projects and general assessment of a child for the high school.
Resolution: Henceforth, there will be results for academic performance and general assessment for the first half of the term beginning from 2nd Term.

5. List of books: Parents where advised to pick up the list of books from the class teachers during open house, so as to confirm the textbooks and notebooks issued to their ward(s).

6. Parents’ involvement in school work and academic progress of their wards:
It was resolved that parents should be practically involved with their ward’s home tasks, including learning and speaking different languages such as French and Ibibio amongst others as language is very important.

7. Mentoring programs at home and school:
Parents were advised to look out for their wards and also educate them. For example, Sex education helps to build the girl and boy child’s assertiveness.

8. Punctuality for drop-off and pickup: Parents are encouraged to improve on their drop-off  and pickup time. Parents whose Children are on the bus have been given new time schedules to enable early pick-up and arrival at school.

9. Sports Wear and Uniforms:

Issues about the sports wear was raised. Parents needed clarification on whether the school accepts jeans on Fridays or not. It was resolved that the high school students can combine their sports wear top with a blue jean provided that it is appropriate. Black jeans, ripped jeans, ragged jeans and any other type of trousers is not accepted.

10. Fee Drive: The management appreciated parents who are frontal in the payment of their ward’s fees and encouraged others to do the same.
Resolution: There would be an intense fee drive on resumption from the mid-term break. Parents should endeavour to pay their ward’s outstanding fees.

In conclusion, Merilebon Academy is doing it right. We appreciate all our parents for showing interest in the development, progress of the school and making out time to partake in the just concluded PTA Meeting. We wish them well in all their endeavours.


Dr. Kingsley Ekwere – Chairman (PTA)
Ms. Imaobong Uko – Secretary
Ms. Eneva Inyang – Member 
(Head Teacher)

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