What makes you a science student?
A science student is someone who has a high level of interest and curiosity in the sciences and a proven record of outstanding academic performances in the science subjects from SS1 to SS2 (Before writing SSCE)
A science student has but is not limited to the following qualities;
- demonstrates an intense level of curiosity in science.
- makes intuitive leaps in solving science problems.
- demonstrates extensive knowledge base in science and is able to relate that knowledge base to new problems and topics.
- demonstrates unusually high levels of motivation and/or concentration.
- demonstrates the ability to integrate information and concepts into existing knowledge base.
- possesses a good memory.
- persists in the pursuit of science knowledge or solving a problem.
- comprehends abstract concepts beyond age level expectations.
- sees connections between science and other disciplines.
- uses mathematics to understand, define, and /or solve problems.
- makes generalizations and assumptions based on data.
- supports thinking with logical reasoning.
- reasons analytically, deductively, and inductively, and is able to reverse the reasoning process and to switch methods easily and in a systematic manner.
- views problems in a holistic manner.
- shows confidence in the use of science processes and a willingness to take risks in advancing scientific explanations and posing questions.
- understands and applies advanced scientific vocabulary.
- evaluates experimental results in light of the original problem

About Author
Isaiah Ananso is a dynamic individual who thrives at the intersection of technology, design, and education. As a frnt-end web developer, product designer, writer, and ICT instructor, Isaiah’s diverse skill set allows him to bring a unique perspective to his work and make a lasting impact in multiple domains.